Why Chem-Dry ?Chem-Dry leads the way in service excellence.At Chem-Dry QuickDry, we started off by offering a premium carpet and upholstery cleaning service 30 years ago in Sydney. We quickly added rug cleaning, mattress cleaning as well as tile restoration. Around 1998 our services expanded to covering water and smoke damage restoration. Other Chem-Dry Services followed and today we offer 11 premium services. The interesting thing is that we are still adding to our services and the business is always evolving to look after your domestic and commercial cleaning needs. We cover all areas in Sydney: What makes us different?We offer a water-based low moisture cleaning system leaving carpets, rugs and upholstery much drier and healthier. Our company places customer satisfaction right on the top of our list of priorities. The foundations of our business is a large and loyal group of customers who return each year. Our professional service and quality workmanship sets us apart. Our company is geared towards providing a premium service with well-trained technicians combining with world class cleaning chemicals to give customers the very best carpet, rug, upholstery and tile cleaning results possible. We offer a variety of rug cleaning, tile cleaning & sealing and upholstery cleaning services so have a look through our website. We ensure your carpets dry within 2 hours of cleaning!We aim to give you clean and dry carpets. Get your home or office back in action quickly. Even at the best of times, carpet cleaning will be a bit of an upheaval. Our technicians are trained to get your carpet as dry as possible so that furniture and contents can be repositioned quickly. At Chem-Dry QuickDry, we consider ourselves the best | Request QuotePlease fill in all fields TestimonialsOur loyal customers give us quality feedback from time to time. Their recommendations are greatly valued. Although many reviews refer to our carpet cleaning service, our company offers so much more. Wet Carpet Emergency?Just click on the graphic below to get the full picture. We are also the Stain Removal Experts!It could be red wine or cordial. Walked a bit of oil or tar into the house? Do not panic. Just give us a call and our experienced carpet cleaners will do the rest. Carpet Cleaning results are what we are after.We love to show you what we can do! Remember that our carpets dry within a couple of hours. Chair Cleaning Professionals.We will restore any kind of fabric. This photo is not corporate quality. Actual work done by our technicians. We just thought we show you what kind of fabric restoration work we do. Rug Tassle Cleaning.We take great care to clean every bit of your rug. Tassle cleaning take time and require attention to detail. Let us restore your rugs for you. Before and after comparison of cleaning the fringes of a rug. |